Let's go to Schmiede Hallein 2015

Initiated by: Haydeé Jiménez
  • Haydeé Jiménez
Category Art
Schmiede is a 10 day multimedia collaboration festival in the middle of the Austrian Alps & with participants from various continents. Let's go - let's find funding for traveling together.

Schmiede15: READY
10.-20. Sep. 2015

Apply till May 31st on

Schmiede in 5:20 https://vimeo.com/64489715
Schmiede14 program http://bit.ly/schmiede14

Pic credit: 
Pat Rick https://flickr.com/photos/128331139@N02/
Project "LOST IN FEAREST" https://vimeo.com/113043827

I will try to get funding from the Austrian embassy in Mexico City. If you have any leads to funding in the USA - private or public. Please contact me. Thanks!!


La convocatoria esta abierta hasta el 31 de mayo. Quisiera mandar info de artistas a la embajada de ausrtia en mexico para ver si nos apoyan con boleto de avion y estancia. Contactenme por este medio - abran su cuenta en rockajoint. Ahi les doy me email para que me manden su CV y una carta de intencion.

Join Until:2015-05-05 00:00:00
Courage Box
THANK YOU!Project encouraged on 24/04/15

Rockajoint connect.

Haydeé Jiménez

To collaborate on this project please contact me by email.

Send collaboration request.

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